EnerFloat helps you navigate the complexities of floating energy O&M to deliver optimised solutions that maximise your assets’ performance.
Navigating the complexities of floating energy production can be challenging without the right partner. Venturing further offshore into deeper waters, floating wind brings inherent challenges that require specialised knowledge and expertise to overcome.
With decades of experience in the renewable energy industry, our team at EnerFloat has a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by floating wind projects. Our multidisciplinary team consists of experts in engineering, operations, and maintenance.
We work alongside you to optimise performance of your asset, allowing you to focus on your core business.
£60m of investment has been allocated to UK floating offshore wind projects.
In the next 30 years 270 GW of floating offshore wind will be installed globally. (Source: DNV)
Each floating structure weighs around 5,000 Tonnes.
Floating offshore wind farms become the most natural choice in deeper water.